Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Word Count Wednesday #14

What am I working on?
I've started to think about ideas for my next chapter I've written down a few things but nothing really as of yet. 

How do I feel about the process?

It is definitely a lot harder than I ever thought it was going to be. I want to not only please myself but make it so that people want to read it. It's a tough balance but I'm going to keep trying. 

What am I reading now?

Still pushing through The Road

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Word Count Wednesday #13

What am I working on?
I've taken a bit of a break after writing my second chapter but I'm going to give slam poetry a shot and see what I can do with it.  

How do I feel about the process?

I was pleased with my second chapter but I haven't figured out exactly where the book is going. But I'm excited to see what slam poetry brings to the table and what I can do with it. 

What am I reading now?

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf for my other English class. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Word Count Wednesday #12

What am I working on?
I've just been working on my second chapter for the submission. 

How do I feel about the process?

It has been good so far, I've introduced new characters and I'm enjoying discovering who they are and their purpose in my narrative. 

What am I reading now?

Lately, nothing to be honest. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Word Count Wednesday #11

What am I working on?

My novel. After the last submission I've gone back and tried to figure out exactly what I wanted to do and I'm still trying to figure that out. I've started to write an alternate version of my book this time with a new lead and the two cops coming in later as minor characters. I also have thought about the plot more and where I might want to take but so far nothing concrete. 

How do I feel about the process?

It's tricky, to be honest. Finding out what will work what characters go well together and the overall appeal of the story are things that have proven to be quite the challenge. 

What am I reading now?

Still just reading The Road and blogs.